“Nobody Ever Talks About Peter Orr.”

Did he seriously say Peter?? There’s a reason nobody talks about Orr as a realistic possibility at second, Bobby, and I was, uh, kind of hoping you’d have realized what it is by now.

The quote in the title is from the above-linked Mark Bradley article, which is basically about how Kelly is having trouble garnering the confidence to play second. Yeah, I might have guessed, from what I’ve seen so far. He looks pretty terrified. Gotta love it when the guy you’re counting on to start at second and lead off is described as “given to doubt.” But I won’t allow myself to be officially worried until I see him play on March 2nd in the first televised spring training game.

In other news, Willie Mays Hayes is now trying to fool the Braves into getting on the roster. Give him a chance, Bobby! Of course, this imitation Willie was described as a “non-athletic-looking man,” so maybe not.







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