“The Always Ornery Maddux”

Looks like this series against the Padres going to be a pretty exciting one for the Braves: Lerew will have his first major league start today, and Maddux goes up against Smoltz tomorrow. Last night’s game was exciting in its own way, though our offense was sleepwalking and Chuckie’s pitch-count crisis continued. But anytime there’s the chance of a fight between Paronto and an eight foot tall pitcher, you know you’re getting your money’s worth.

Naturally, this was all an extension of Heap and Frenchy drama: Heap got lucky on a pick-off call, and pretty hilariously snuck his foot against the base after he’d already been tagged, but the ump must have missed that. Young proceeded to hit Frenchy with a pitch, and Heap of course called for a beaning during Young’s next at-bat, setting up the potential Fight of the Century. Paronto actually looked kind of scared, or maybe just regretful. Young ended up just taking his base — he’s a Princeton graduate, and I suppose he’d had enough of our immature tomfoolery for one evening.

Speaking of immature tomfoolery, the official site has an anecdote about Maddux’s snot up this morning, and apparently Smoltz is planning something special for Wednesday’s game. My favorite Maddux-related quote of all time was Cubs reliever Ryan Dempster saying he would miss farting on Maddux when he left the Cubs. Apparently a clubhouse presence like that is hard to find.



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6 responses to ““The Always Ornery Maddux””

  1. Leah Avatar

    Yes, Mac is a sneaky little booger. He even had a sneaky look on his face and was probably shocked that neither the ump or the first baseman even saw that he was out. He got lucky. I knew the guy would end up hitting one of our players after he kept throwing wild inside pitches every so often and almost knocked Druw out. But, Mac had to seek revenge for Frenchy being hit and he did it well. Paronto just didn’t hold up his end of the bargain, unfortunately. The McFrenchy love continues.

    1. Jenny Avatar

      Frenchy smirked down at second after he took his base, and at the time I just thought it was funny . . . should have known it was “AVENGE ME!!” code.

  2. Leah Avatar

    I think they have their own way of communicating actually. They probably can read each other’s minds by now.

    1. Leah Avatar

      That was supposed to be a reply to your previous comment. It’s too early, lol.

  3. Andrea Avatar

    Haha, I wanna see what Smoltz is gonna do tomorrow.
    But, too bad I’m not getting the game…

    1. Jenny Avatar

      I’ll try to fill you in as best I can — maybe Dave will include it in the highlight video.

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