Category: Heap
Andruw: Still Breaking My Heart
I have this thing about inanimate objects, probably from watching The Brave Little Toaster too many times as a kid. I believe they should be treated with a certain degree of respect. I don’t like it when people smash guitars, and I hate that scene in Office Space when they beat up the copier. So […]
Kissgate ’08
Man, did Sports South make a big deal about Frenchy kissing Kotsay on Sunday! How many times did they replay it? I counted at least three. I was waiting for a slow motion replay with commentary about his technique. Personally, I found nothing especially hilarious about it. It’s pretty much in line with what we […]
Something Cheerful
I haven’t posted in a week because I don’t know what to say. I was fairly certain that things would eventually go badly this year, but things went so immediately and overwhelmingly badly that jokes ain’t coming easy. But I found this lovely anecdote about Devy, who has been called up to the A’s, and […]
Two things that are kinda breaking my heart right now: 1. The idea that we don’t have too much longer with Skip on the radio. He’s cutting back his travel due to health reasons, and it’s forcing me to think about years ahead, when we won’t even have him for home games. I’m much more […]
“Mistakes Were Made”
Here’s a quote from Heap in the AJC article about last night’s game: “We made some mental mistakes on the bases early . . .” We, Heap? That game had a surreal feeling to it. Things went a little too perfectly for the Nationals on the night of their new stadium’s opening and in the […]
Like Heap Has Ever Had Wine
I’m trying to save money and cut back on drinking, so here’s Heap to make me feel guilty for not spending money on booze. Figures! Maybe someone will get me a case for my birthday. Thanks to Karen for the link. I need a “Heap endorsing liquor” tag. I’m back from England and way behind […]
Headed to Orlando/Kissimmee/Buena VistaLand
We’re leaving for spring training bright and early tomorrow morning — any requests? I’m not sure what I mean by that, but probably pictures. Speaking of pictures, check it: Heap never fails to find the ugliest sunglasses of all time and wear them with pride. I can’t wait to again witness this phenomenon in person.
Twenty Four Years of Heap
It’s Heap’s birthday today, and also the date of several major celestial events. Coincidence?!?! I hope Heap gets to enjoy all of his favorite activities today, such as playing ping pong with his cardboard cut out of Frenchy: Turns out my everyday posting is likely not going to happen until April. I’m excited about going […]
Happy Pitchers and Catchers Day!
Is anyone surprised that Matty arrived seven days early? One of my wishes for this season is that he finally gets the regular starting respect he deserves. Heap also showed up as soon as possible, not surprisingly. Sadly, he will be spending Valentine’s Day without his significant other. Maybe the Australians will take him out […]
Pitchers, Catchers, and Frenchy (and Andruw)
Today is the one year anniversary of this blog, and it’s also the first day of voluntary “show up at Turner Field and dick around” day for the Braves. Well, that’s not true: the pitchers and catchers are there doing important work to prepare for spring training and the 2008 season. Frenchy, on the other […]