A Few Videos
So, I was planning on posting this lengthy video interview with Smoltz and Francoeur before I heard about Smoltz’s divorce last night, but it’s kind of interesting to look at it now in light of that. The interview was done at a Baptist church in Augusta back in November. It’s about forty-five minutes long and […]
Sad News for Smoltzie
Holy crap! Totally not a Braves couple I ever expected to divorce. I wonder what happened?
Braves Spring Training Equipment: Lost?
So, thanks to MLB.com, I’ve seen the article about the Mets equipment truck that is headed down to Florida. I learned that “even the happiest of thoughts and the presence of Mr. Met couldn’t ease the pain of carrying equipment with numb hands and trying to talk with frozen faces.” Then I read that the […]
Weird Enough For You, Folks?
The Braves hosted their 2007 Fan Fest yesterday, and while the pictures from AJC were pretty lame and the official site hasn’t put any up yet, one interesting thing did come from a day of autographs and kids running the bases: Mark Bowman’s Frenchy Lovefest Article – the first one of the year! Coincidence?? Let’s […]
Announcers, East Cobb and the Wisdom of Heap
Much has been made about Skip and Pete not announcing the televised games for Sports South this season, and while I agree that it’s disturbing that the network that will show most of our games from now on doesn’t want anything to do with our best announcers, I personally don’t see this as a huge […]
Offseason Antics
There’s always plenty of coverage about whatever douchebag things the Yankees get up to in the offseason, such as running their perfume empires and, well . . . whatever is going on here. But what about our Braves, who are more “openly reviled” by the mainstream sports media than actually “covered?” What have they been […]
How 2007 Looks From Here
The 2007 Braves have a lot of questions that won’t be resolved until spring training, but as long as more than one essential component doesn’t completely fall apart or fail to pan out, they’re looking pretty good on paper. We finally have a bullpen, we’re getting Hampton back and the roster is free from the […]